Photos holiday 2021

Every year, Amazon Photos participates in Amazon’s holiday campaign to drive revenue through its print services including custom cards, photo books, and and other photo gifts. With holiday running from October 4 - December 31, Photos created multiple offers to run for varying periods throughout the campaign time. I helped create 350+ assets that ran on Amazon Homepage, Amazon Photos landing pages, and, organic and paid social channels. These placements helped contribute to increased sales year over year and landing page engagement.


landing page banners

The Photos landing pages were completely redesigned for the entire holiday campaign by another designer, updating all the product category cards to follow the Amazon holiday theme. I made all the page updates to our second party product selling pages which did not have to follow the strict holiday guidelines.

To reduce the amount of changes and assets needed for each promotional period, we focused on creating new hero banners to call out the offer and ad variety to the design. I created most of those banners, designing and resizing banners for 6 different landing pages, in desktop and mobile sizes.

social and display ads

Our organic and paid social channels also needed updated assets to run during the various promotional periods. These assets were a much smaller lift, but still very important to help drive engagement to the landing pages and highlight the print capabilities Amazon Photos offered.

For our display channel, my marketing manager decided to have me create two sets to A/B test for the entire holiday season. The two ad sets differed in tagline and product imagery used.