Initial iterating

Club managers had been mostly working alone, making their own schedules and flyers using powerpoint and outdated templates for their events and announcements. I started to look at ways to make a cleaner design that would work for events in the four quadrants Bay Club focused on: fitness, sports, family, and hospitality. I created a style quickly to appease a club manager in need of a last minute flyer and then tag teamed with another designer on my team to come up with a final solution.

Fine tuning

The other designer presented his ideas to our marketing team, adding color and the quadrant the flyer was intended for and I presented the old flyers and the slight update I had made. With various stakeholders with different needs, we needed a simple template that maintained the fidelity of our design work, placed in a Word Document that the managers could add copy based on their needs. We added a large image at the top and the slightly transparent quadrant name on the right side, and then a big spot for copy to be added by the club managers, fulfilling everyones wants and needs.